Enrichment Classes for Toddlers:
What Singapore Parents Need to Know
Enrichment classes are crucial to a child's development as their learning and knowledge are greatly influenced. Through real-time consumer insights, we understand that educational enrichment classes help to improve the process of learning for children as these classes are focused on allowing children to get knowledge and skills through friendly and fun activities as play and experimentation.
Based on our extensive research with Singapore's parent community, find out:
- 3 most popular enrichment programs parents would sign up for their children
- Which Learning Centre remains the most sought after and hardest to get a slot
- Costs, locations and availability of trial classes are most important factors when parents make decisions for enrichment classes
- Friend/Family Recommendations & Parent Reviews are Biggest Influencers to Enrichment Class Decisions
- Community Support Groups, Direct Conversations & Reviews on School Website are Crucial Sources of Recommendations & Reviews
- and more!
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