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What is it about?  

A joint project between Supermom X KEMENKRAF, Project 1MPACT is Supermom’s commitment to empower and uplift the dignity and livelihood of 1 million Indonesian women and mothers by enhancing their digital literacy skills to thrive in today’s digital era and become key players in driving digital economic growth. #ThePowerOfEmakEmak

1MPACT Objectives  

To improve the digital literacy of 1 millions moms, Supermom aims to provide learning, education, and supporting materials for 3 essential digital skills today:



1. How to Create Digital Content and Monetize it.


2. How to Create Digital Community Groups and Monetize it.



3. How to Become Digital Affiliate Sellers and Earn a Lifelong Living Out of It.

 Project 1MPACT Outcome: 

1 Million Moms/Women

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Become Key Opinion Moms

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Become Affiliate Sellers

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Become Community Leaders

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Become Survey Participators

Project Timeline

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3 Party Collaboration

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What’s in it for my brand if I join project 1M PACT?

  • Project 1M PACT is Supermom’s project with the Ministry of Creative Economy to uplift the dignity
    and livelihood of 1M Indonesian moms and women to thrive and make meaningful additional
    income in today’s digital era. We are currently open to offering participating/partnership deals with  interested brands.

Why should we join Project 1M PACT? How can my brand benefit?

  • Bands who are willing to participate/partner with us in Project 1M PACT will receive
    PR and marketing benefits, leading to branding elevation, revenue growth, and build goodwill for their brand.

    We work with brands interested in joining Project 1M PACT to meet their business objectives,
    whether it be through activating KOM’s UGC and/or affiliate sellers and/or surveys for first party
    data. The services we offer to brands who are interested will depend and is customisable to the
    brand’s current objectives. Thus, participating brands participating will receive PR and
    marketing benefits from Supermom.


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Kemenparekraf Official Site
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Berita Satu

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