Database Marketing Strategies: How Huggies Built a Database of 26,000 First-Time Mothers
To help Huggies access pregnant mothers and grow their database.
We tapped on our database marketing strategies: various partnership and marketing channels to help Huggies increase outreach to new mothers and build mind share and market share.
Over the last 3 years, more than 26,000 new pregnant mom data were generated for Huggies.
The reality: even the government does not know who is pregnant till the child's birth is registered. In a short window of 9 months of pregnancy, Supermom had to be creative to tap on various marketing channels to generate quality first-party data for the brand, and conduct progressive sampling to increase conversion opportunities.
We tapped on Supermom's parent & mom community through experiential events and social media channels and worked with our hospital and O&G clinic partners to gather first-party data of first-time moms throughout the year. We also worked with at least 300k profiled parents to identify first-time mothers through Supermom's insights.
Profiled database of leads includes:
- First Name / Last Name
- Phone
- Address
- Postal code
- Estimated Due Date
More than 60% of leads generated are new to Huggies database.
"It’s been a pleasure working closely with Supermom for the past few years! With the strong partnership and synergies in target audience, we believe we will be able to achieve more together with Supermom in the upcoming years."
Jolene Koh
Marketing Manager

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